[sunset4] Sunset4/DHC joint meeting, Wednesday Session III
George, Wes
2013-07-15 15:13:19 UTC
All -

There will be a joint meeting at IETF 87 between Sunset4 and DHC from 1620-1720 Wednesday (the second hour of Sunset4's meeting time). The chairs of both groups and the IntArea ADs met at IETF in Orlando to discuss the potential overlap between some work going on in DHC (provisioning IPv4 over IPv6 or DHCPv4 over DHCPv6) and some work going on in Sunset4 to govern signaling end networks and hosts about the absence or presence of IPv4 connectivity, as well as preferences about which address family to use for which set of traffic. We agreed that it would be useful to discuss these things together, to ensure that we are coordinating well between the groups' efforts, as well as to get a wider group of people thinking about the combined problem set and reviewing the associated drafts.

Based on those initial discussions, the chairs have identified a few drafts that are of interest to both groups, and that is what generated the draft agenda for the meeting.
The meeting materials, including the agenda, and an introduction slide deck discussing the goals of the joint session are available for review under Sunset4's meeting materials area.
Agenda: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/87/agenda/agenda-87-sunset4 (see second half)
Intro Presentation: http://www.ietf.org/proceedings/87/slides/slides-87-sunset4-0.pdf

Please review and bash, especially if you feel after reviewing the intro slides that there are additional drafts that should be discussed. The timeslots for discussing the listed drafts are not intended to be a full introduction of the draft for those unfamiliar with it. Rather, this is meant to be the point at which we discuss the interaction between the two groups and coordination of changes to DHCP as proposed. We encourage the authors to put together a one slide summary, along with a slide or two with discussion questions.


Wes George, Sunset4 co-chair

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