[sunset4] items for IETF 88 Vancouver meeting?
George, Wes
2013-09-18 14:14:11 UTC
The deadlines for IETF 88 are fast approaching. The preliminary agenda is due on 3 October, and we are approximately one month out from the draft submission cutoff, so please send in your requests for agenda timeslots and start pushing out those draft updates.

Some dates to be aware of:

* 2013-10-03 (Thursday): Preliminary agenda published for comment.
* 2013-10-07 (Monday): Cutoff date for requests to reschedule Working Group and BOF meetings UTC 24:00.
* 2013-10-07 (Monday): Working Group Chair approval for initial document (Version -00) submissions appreciated by UTC 24:00.
* 2013-10-11 (Friday): Final agenda to be published.
* 2013-10-21 (Monday): Internet Draft submission cut-off (for all drafts, including -00) by UTC 24:00, upload using IETF ID Submission Tool<https://datatracker.ietf.org/submit/>.
* 2013-10-23 (Wednesday): Draft Working Group agendas due by UTC 24:00, upload using IETF Meeting Materials Management Tool<https://datatracker.ietf.org/cgi-bin/wg/wg_proceedings.cgi>.
* 2013-10-25 (Friday): Early Bird registration and payment cut-off at UTC 24:00.
* 2013-10-28 (Monday): Revised Working Group agendas due by UTC 24:00, upload using IETF Meeting Materials Management Tool<https://datatracker.ietf.org/cgi-bin/wg/wg_proceedings.cgi>.
* 2013-11-03 - 2013-11-08: 88th IETF Meeting in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
I've submitted a request for a 2h meeting, and here is the current conflict list. I can update the request through Monday 23 September, so if you see something that we should be adding to the conflict lists, please let me know ASAP.

Conflicts to Avoid:

First Priority:

behave softwire v6ops precis

Second Priority:

dhc intarea 6man homenet

Third Priority:

opsarea opsawg

Other WGs that included Sunsetting IPv4 in their conflict list:

dhc, ippm, homenet, dmm


Wes George

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