[sunset4] Meeting agenda items
George, Wes
2015-06-18 19:31:32 UTC
Hello -

IESG has informed us that the scheduling for this IETF is unusually difficult on account of the number of sessions requested being significantly higher than the total number of sessions available. We don't want to cancel this meeting if there is work to be done during it, but not a lot of work has happened since the previous IETF, not really much work on revised drafts, not much traffic on the list.

If we need to keep this meeting, please try to get updated drafts done and make requests for agenda time ASAP.



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joel jaeggli
2015-06-18 19:43:01 UTC
The schedule has been made to fit, so if you do cancel it's likely that
someone can figure out something to do with the slot, but it has
subsided below crisis level.
Post by George, Wes
Hello -
IESG has informed us that the scheduling for this IETF is unusually
difficult on account of the number of sessions requested being
significantly higher than the total number of sessions available. We
don't want to cancel this meeting if there is work to be done during it,
but not a lot of work has happened since the previous IETF, not really
much work on revised drafts, not much traffic on the list.
If we need to keep this meeting, please try to get updated drafts done
and make requests for agenda time ASAP.
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have no control over it.
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