[sunset4] IETF support for continued IPv4 protocols
Lee Howard
2014-02-24 21:28:35 UTC
As I was browsing the IETF agenda, I noticed several WGs and drafts whose
stated purpose was to make things work better through NAT. It reminded me
that I've been meaning to suggest this draft to this working group
(sunset4) for discussion. In London, if time permits.



This document recommends that IETF formally require its standards
work to be IP version agnostic or to explicitly include support for
IPv6, with some exceptions. It further recommends that IETF revisit
and update the previous attempts to review existing standards for
IPv6 compliance. It makes this recommendation in order to ensure
that it is possible to operate without dependencies on IPv4.

This document proposes several actions. I have a feeling that some of
these proposals will provoke discussion. It's short--just a few pages.
Please glance and let us know what you think.


Lee Howard
Sander Steffann
2014-02-24 17:08:53 UTC
Hi Lee,
Post by Lee Howard
As I was browsing the IETF agenda, I noticed several WGs and drafts whose
stated purpose was to make things work better through NAT. It reminded me
that I've been meaning to suggest this draft to this working group
(sunset4) for discussion. In London, if time permits.
This document recommends that IETF formally require its standards
work to be IP version agnostic or to explicitly include support for
IPv6, with some exceptions. It further recommends that IETF revisit
and update the previous attempts to review existing standards for
IPv6 compliance. It makes this recommendation in order to ensure
that it is possible to operate without dependencies on IPv4.
This document proposes several actions. I have a feeling that some of
these proposals will provoke discussion. It's short--just a few pages.
Please glance and let us know what you think.
It looks like a good starting point, and a good direction for the IETF.

Olle E. Johansson
2014-02-24 17:27:25 UTC
Post by Lee Howard
As I was browsing the IETF agenda, I noticed several WGs and drafts whose
stated purpose was to make things work better through NAT. It reminded me
that I've been meaning to suggest this draft to this working group
(sunset4) for discussion. In London, if time permits.
This document recommends that IETF formally require its standards
work to be IP version agnostic or to explicitly include support for
IPv6, with some exceptions. It further recommends that IETF revisit
and update the previous attempts to review existing standards for
IPv6 compliance. It makes this recommendation in order to ensure
that it is possible to operate without dependencies on IPv4.
This document proposes several actions. I have a feeling that some of
these proposals will provoke discussion. It's short--just a few pages.
Please glance and let us know what you think.
We had an interesting discussion in the SIP area. I am working with
a draft to solve some happy-eyeballs related issues in SIP. The SIP
core RFC 3261 does support IPv6 and IPv4. One version of my draft
had the "updates 3261" header - but I was clearly told that updating
the core standards for handling the migration was not going to happen.

I think in addition to supporting both protocols, we need to support
the co-existence.

As a comment I do like RFC 2782 which is forward looking when
it comes to specifying "address records":

"Note that where this document refers to "address records", it means A
RR's, AAAA RR's, or their most modern equivalent."

